Your Image

**NOTE: Shirt size field ONLY required if you are adding the Shirt/Bow pre-order. Also, if selecting BOTH SESSIONS, make sure to add additional session add on below to save $50!

Contact Information

Payment Methods

Gabi Butler Clinic - General Session Add On

This is for additional entry into the general session of the Gabi Butler clinic at a discounted price of $75 ($50 Savings).
[[7500 | currency]] [[12500 | currency]]

Signed Event Photo

Add on a beautiful 8" X 10" printed photo of your athlete, Gabi & staff to be taken at the beginning of the session. Gabi will also sign the photo. Photos to be picked up at the end of the session.
[[2500 | currency]]

Event Shirt & Bow

Pre-order an event shirt & bow for the Gabi Butler Clinic at a discounted price. (Save $10)
[[5000 | currency]] [[6000 | currency]]
[[invoiceItem.quantity]] x [[invoiceItem.unit_price | currency]]
[[checkoutContext.order.invoice.subtotal | currency]]
[[ | currency]]
[[checkoutContext.order.invoice.shipping | currency]]
-[[ | currency]]
[[ | currency]]